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Factors That Go Into AC Installation

Getting a new energy-efficient air conditioning system can be an exciting investment for you and your family. In this article, we share five things to consider before installing a new air conditioner.

Published May 18, 2022
Factors That Go Into AC Installation

A summer in Gaffney can often get upwards of 96° F, and humidity upwards of 85%, which leaves you in a muggy and uncomfortable environment. Humidity that’s overpowering can cause wood to bend, paint to peel, which leads to mold, mildew, and dust mites.

If you’re one of the many whose allergies to mold make life difficult, you’ll suffer a whole lot more. With the air being difficult to deal with your allergies may be triggered.

Living in an old farmhouse with a great style may not have the great central air newer homes are commonly built with. Relying on a portable AC or window unit  to make your space worthy of living in can be difficult, and if you’re feeling left out of whole-home comfort life, then this article is written for your eyes.

Getting an air conditioner installed is a sizable decision and purchase, so you may want to consider AC Install Financing.

Electrical Needs for a New AC

Your electrical box will need to handle the needs of a new unit, and that is a major consideration for older homes that may not have open spots or a larger panel. To keep you safe when working with older electrical boxes, it’s best to upgrade your panel, which will increase the cost of the overall project.

Air conditioner units will need their own, independent 220-volt circuit breaker, and often 30-amps with two poles. A local, licensed electrician will be glad to take care of this.

Your AC And Furnace Must Matching Twins

We must first consider the furnace when considering whether or not to add an air conditioner. The blower fan in your heating and cooling system is what transports air throughout your house. You may install a new air conditioner on top of an old furnace, but you can’t expect it to be as efficient, effective, or big as one built specifically for that purpose. You might need a four-ton unit, but your existing heater has a three-ton blower.

HVAC technicians spend a lot of time discussing how equipment must be rated. In other words, for the system to work as a whole, certain features of an AC have to match those of a furnace.

You may invest in an AC with a high degree of efficiency, but the blower inside the furnace sends that chilly air into the ducts. A blower that is 20 years old will not be as efficient, regardless of how well it is maintained.

Related Article: 8 Ways To Boost Your AC Efficiency

You’re wasting your money if you buy a high-end air conditioner with a variable-speed fan and the ability to connect it, but you’re pairing it with a low-end furnace that doesn’t have those features. What’s more, you could have a system that won’t operate at all, in which case the manufacturer will not cover your new high-tech air conditioner.

What Size AC Do You Need?

HVAC professionals can simply estimate the air conditioner size your house requires since they know the dimensions of your furnace. They may simply look at the size of your heating system and recommend the same for your air conditioner. Perhaps it’s correct, but you won’t be able to tell until your technician does a Manual J Load Calculation. That calculation takes into account such variables as the width and number of windows, as well as the thickness of insulation and how many doors there are.

This calculation has been certified by the Air Conditioner Contractors of America (ACCA) as being the sole one that is acceptable. Before receiving an estimate and installing a system, each homeowner should make similarly thorough measurements.

What is the difference between a unit that is appropriate and one that isn’t? When the temperature rises, it won’t be able to keep up. One that’s too small will find it difficult to keep up with the thermometer. A unit that’s too big will perform what’s known as short cycling. It’ll cool down your home quickly, then turn off just as fast. The continuous turning off and on would do a poor job of mixing the air, resulting in hot and cold spots. It will also shorten the HVAC system’s life considerably.

Neither is practical, and neither offers total relaxation.

Air Conditioners Needs a Line Set

The majority of people are ignorant to the fact that the air conditioner has two components. The coil, which is housed inside, sits above the furnace. They are linked by a line set, which comprises of two semi-flexible copper pipes to connect the outdoor air conditioner with the indoor evaporator coil. It passes through a little hole in the home before being sealed shut.

If the furnace is in the basement, you may not be able to run the line out the short way because it’s near to the garage. You prefer that the air conditioner is on the other side of the house. Alternatively, because electricity is on one side of the house and gas on another, it’s simpler to run a line set that way than going around.

Air Ducts and Air Flow

The components that transport conditioned air from one location to the next are also frequently neglected by homeowners. Air ducts must be appropriate for the home, such as the furnace and air conditioner. The cooling and blower can supply more and more chilly air, but if the ducts aren’t big enough, high static pressure will result. When the ducts are unable to move sufficient air, the air begins backing up because it is trapped in them.

The high static pressure is also harmful to the blower. To try to push more air through, it must work harder. Eventually, this will result in frequent repairs and even a failure.

The most common reason for a lack of heating is that the return air isn’t sufficient. The filter might be clogged, which is one of the leading reasons. A filthy filter can also cause this situation.

If you’re considering adding an air conditioner, make sure your ducts can distribute the air equally. To assess your HVAC, your HVAC contractor may run pressure tests in your ducts.

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